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Getting Started With Electronic Resources: SSO Login

Learn how to start using databases, e-books, and the catalog of the Bechtold Library.

Who Can Use E-Resources from the Bechtold Library?

  • This guide is intended for users who are currently enrolled in courses at CTU for either credit or audit (including students from other institutions). You have access to all of the electronic databases, e-books, and search tools provided by the Library.
  • CTU is not able to offer remote electronic database access to guests or to former students who did not complete their degree programs.
  • Alumni may use  Atlas PLUS for Alum, JSTOR, and Project Muse. Alumni sign-on procedures difffer from what's in this guide, however, and the program is managed by the Alumni Office. Contact to receive username and password information.

What User Name and Password Do I Need?

  • CTU began using Open Athens, known as a "single sign-on" system,  in 2020. It has been implemented for the Library catalog and all electronic resources (databases and e-books).
  • Open Athens is a system separate from D2L tied to the log in you set up with your CTU Email.
  • The IT Department administers the accounts for Open Athens for current students, faculty, and staff.  They provide directions for initially establishing your account. If you haven't received these directions or you need assistance, contact Note: you must use your CTU e-mail address to contact support.
  • If you don't have a CTU e-mail address, you may contact the IT Department for help by calling 773.371.5470.




SSO Login

1.  When you are using a Library resource and click a link to an article, database, e-book, catalog, or tool that requires signing in, you'll see a screen that looks like this. This is CTU's Single Sign-On page, sometimes called the SSO login page.


2.  Click the top sign-in option.

3.  When you see this screen, sign in with the user name and password you set up with the IT Department.



4. After entering your user name and password, your browser will automatically load the page you originally clicked the link to get. Once you're logged in to one electronic resource, you'll have access to them all without entering your credentials again.


Systems and Electronic Resources Librarian

Profile Photo
Justin Glenn
Catholic Theological Union
Paul Bechtold Library
5416 S. Cornell Ave.
Chicago, IL 60615
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